technische Tabellen

  • TSP03D – Spool: Device Description (New Format)
  • DBCON – Description of database connections (including password)
  • DD02V – Date dictionary tables
  • DD03L – Date dictionary tables and fields
  • DD07T – Texts for Domain Fixed Values
  • DOKIL – SAP Object documentation link details. Required by function module DOCU_READ to retieve SAP documentation for specific repository object (FM, Prog, Tcode etc).
  • ENHOBJCONTRACT – Table of enhancement points
  • RFCDES – SAP RFC destination, created Remote function call destinations on current sap system
  • T100 – Table of message ( mesage class and message number )
  • TACT – Available activities on your SAP system
  • TADIR – Table of R/3 repository objects (programs, tcodes etc)
  • TBRG – Definition of authorization groups in your SAP system
  • TBRGT – Text table for authorization group table TBRG
  • TFDIR – Table of SAP function modules
  • TFTIT – SAP function module short text
  • TOBJ – Authorization objects

Selektionsvarianten #

  • VARID – Variantenkatalog
  • VARIS – Zuordnung Variante Selektionsbild
  • VARIT – Variantentexte
  • TVARVC – Tabelle der Variantenvariablen (mandantenabhängig)
  • TVARUVN – Individuelle Variantenvariable: Zuordnung TVARV

Statusobjekte #

  • JEST – Status Einzelobjekt
  • JSTO – Statusobjekt
  • JS..
  • JS..

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